The Same Good News
Dear Saints,
As we come to the end of our journey through 1 Peter, we find some final words of encouragement Peter shares, especially with the Elders in the young church. The good news of Jesus and what He’s done for us and to us is to be guarded and protected from any form of corruption. One of the chief responsibilities of the Elders of a local church fellowship is to ensure that the very same good news taught by the apostles 2000 years ago is the same taught and received today. It is imperative that every church’s Elder team takes this seriously and are committed to it.
Regardless of our role in the local church, we all have Jesus. The same love that Jesus has towards us is in us, and we have the opportunity to share that love and kindness with each other. When this happens, fellowship truly happens. If/when we are fighting and jockeying with each other for positions, preeminence, and power, division happens and the enemy is given a foothold in the fellowship to drive us from each other. If we have seen anything in 1 Peter, it is that no matter what may come at us from the religious or the secularist, as long as we keep our minds set on the truth of what lies just below the surface of this realm in the realm of the Almighty—the Kingdom of God—then nothing can truly harm us! Let us all cast our cares upon Christ for He cares for us!
I hope to see you Sunday!
Walt Davis