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As we continue our study of the Gospel of John, we see that Jesus' fame is spreading, bringing Him positive and negative attention. Jesus knows how much time He has and what He must accomplish, so he leaves Judea, the center of power for the Jewish authorities, and returns to his home base of Galilee. Even as he traveled from one location to another, He was intentional in everything He did. This is illustrated by two well-known accounts in the Gospels, the Samaritan woman at the well and the healing of the royal official's son, who was near death.
We've spoken before of the enmity between Jews and Samaritans and that loathing was such that some Jewish travelers between Judea and Galilee would take longer routes, even crossing the Jordan River twice, to avoid passing through Samaria. However, Jesus made the trek through Samaria, which baffled his disciples, even though they followed him anyway. As we know, had He not taken the direct route, the encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well wouldn't have happened, and numerous people would not have been brought to the saving grace of knowing the Messiah.
Similarly, had He not returned to Cana, the site of His first miracle where He turned water into wine, He would never have encountered the royal official and been allowed to demonstrate His divinity and highlight the importance of faith. Once again, because of this encounter, the royal official's entire household believed and was saved.
There are many great lessons in this chapter; not only do we learn of Jesus' grace for all mankind, even those the world may view as outcasts, but we are given a model for how we should go about our days in this community where he's placed us. We don't know if Jesus had foreknowledge of His encounters with the Samaritan woman or the royal official, but He didn't miss the opportunity to change their lives forever. When Jesus commands us to “Therefore, go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19), He isn't limiting our actions to special events, revivals, or mission trips. He wants us to integrate the idea of making disciples into our everyday lives, always being alert to opportunities and intentionally sharing His love with others.
I look forward to delving into this amazing chapter with you!