Abound in Hope

Sep 22, 2024    Kjell Fenn

Abound in Hope


Paul said in Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." This statement comes at the conclusion of his teaching on the unity of believers; it is the mark of harmony within each believer as we enter into fellowship with one another.


The hope that we have in Christ abounds and overflows through the power of the Holy Spirit in part because of our grace-filled communion with other Christians. Now, hope is not some wishy-washy “Gee, that'd be nice if it happened” sentimentality. Biblical hope is not wishing, fleeting excitement, or simple anticipation. Sadly, the word hope is often relegated to a synonym for wishing. “I hope it's sunny tomorrow” or “I hope my team wins.”


But the hope Paul talks about here is expectation that it will come to pass. Hope is a mental and emotional construct that has power in itself. In verse 13 above, Paul reminds us that God is the God of hope, not wishing, not emotional anticipation, not simple excitement. God is the God of hope.


This Sunday we will explore what Paul teaches concerning this biblical hope and what part it plays in our lives. Chapter 15 is a continuation of chapter 14's call to Christian liberty. Paul continues his explanation of the freedom we have in Christ and the role we play in each other's lives in that freedom. The result of such freedom leads to hope. When we realize the goal and purpose of harmony with other believers, we walk in the abounding power of hope.


Come expecting to be encouraged in your faith and your walk with the Lord.


See you Sunday,

