The Certainty of Prayer

Jul 17, 2022    Grace Zellers, Elizabeth Dey-Stubbs

Good Morning, Mosaic,

Mosaic Distinctive 13 is our focus this Sunday. It is all about incorporating prayer into everything we do here at Mosaic Church – worship, ministry, planning, and decisions. This is not a “churchy” or an ultra-religious thing. No, prayer is communication with God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But prayer can be hard. Then it’s easy. Prayer can be flowing like a creek then it’s dry as sand. Prayer can be soft, fancy and fluffy then it can be loud, sobbing and begging. Prayer can be high church sophistication and it can be simple words of gratitude and asking for help. Our gracious God loves us so much that He wants to hear it all – from us individually and from us as a body of believers.

Let’s examine what happened when Bible humans prayed and what they have in common. We’ll hear about one woman’s personal prayer journey. Then, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we will spend some time in prayer for Mosaic and for the people we are called to love outside the doors of our church.

Elizabeth Dey-Stubbs


“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in [Pastor Sri Anne’s] hand.” - Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)

One observable law of nature is that seedtime comes before harvest. This law is true of the spiritual realm as well – particularly in evangelism and missions. We are excited to hear about “seedtime” happening with our India Church Plant missionary in focus (MIF).

This Missions Sunday, join with me in re-connecting with Pastor Sri Anne and his wife, as they share updates about their church plant and ministry in faraway India.

May the Lord fill our hearts with wisdom and willingness to partner with our India missionaries through our giving and prayers.

Grace Zellers