To the King & for the Kingdom

Oct 20, 2024    Jamie Overholser

Dear Mosaic,


The Kingdom of God has a nature to it that is often very counterintuitive to the way we humans normally think things should function.  What Jesus discipled his disciples in was not “the Christian life” but Kingdom life. He discipled them in the nature of the Kingdom and how it functions.  The nature, values, and characteristics of the Kingdom emanate from the gracious and good heart of God as manifested in Jesus as He embodied the Kingdom and offered it as "Good News" to everyone around Him.


This Sunday we'll look into how to function simultaneously as Kingdom citizens, yet exiles in a foreign land. How do we not get discouraged in this land of exile as it seeks to squeeze us into its mold? How do we bring shalom to a world that desperately needs it? 


To the King and for the Kingdom,

