Kingdom Followers

Nov 24, 2024    Jeff Nitz

Greetings Mosaic Church,


It has been a while since I was last in the pulpit after my summer sabbatical of working on my dissertation and then waiting my turn in the teaching rotation this fall to share some final thoughts on our "Kingdom of God" series. During this topical series we have learned a lot about what the kingdom of God is and isn't. I'd like to conclude the series by introducing some last thoughts from Jesus about what Kingdom followers do. 


Sometimes what we "do" can receive short shrift in grace-oriented bodies like ours, but Jesus places a strong emphasis on this key element of our experiential triad (thinking -- feeling -- doing) that I believe fits completely in alignment with the Gospel. We'll unpack some of His thoughts from Matthew 25 and John 14 to discover what it means to live vibrantly and fully into our calling as obedient kingdom followers of Jesus Christ.  


I look forward to worshiping with and seeing you on Sunday. 

