Come Now, Let Us Reason Together...
“In essential beliefs, we have unity; in non-essential beliefs, we have liberty; in all our beliefs, we show forth love.” It's on our website, and we've shared it from the stage multiple times. We are unified under our essential doctrine, but outside of that, the freedom to discuss and differ on non-essential theological matters is a distinctive of Mosaic Church (Distinctive #5, to be exact).
Our new deacons, seeking to be the best servants they can be to our congregation, approached the elders, seeking guidance on the church's positions and processes regarding some non-essentials, which, despite the label, have challenged other churches and Christendom altogether. We began the conversation on October 14th at Smith Mountain Lake during an elder/deacon retreat, and that conversation continues with you. We are still deliberating and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, so your voices matter.
We invite you to join us as we discuss these important topics and provide an update on the church's finances. You don't want to miss this Sunday!
Your elders,
Ron, John, Jeff, & Brian