
Mar 17, 2024    Jeff Nitz

Dear Mosaic family,


As we begin preparing for the Easter season, we are reminded anew of God's persistent and passionate pursuit of his precious children and the lengths He would go to adopt us as His kids. While we may nod our heads and even say a hearty "amen" to this, it is often challenging to grasp the depth of his love for us. This Sunday we will be examining the ministry of reconciliation that Jesus engaged in on our behalf, not only as something accomplished 2000 years ago, but an ever-present reality in our lives.  


But truths like God's ministry of reconciliation aren't just for our comfort and security (though they do offer those), they also provide a pathway for how we live out lives of reconciliation in the mess of our relationships. See you Sunday as we examine living into our calling as those who are both reconciled and reconcilers.  


