What Do Missions Have To Do With Me?
Greetings dear Mosaic family,
This Sunday we will be taking break from our walk through the letter to the Colossians to focus on missions as a body of believers. And rather than our typical sermon, we will be having a panel of fellow Mosaicans (or is it Mosaicites??) who will be sharing their experiences with and insights about missions work, both overseas and local.
So let me ask you a question: When you think of the word "missionaries", what gets conjured up in your mind? When you consider the phrase "mission field", what do you picture? I confess that for a very long time I considered a pith helmet- wearing David Livingstone preaching in a faraway African village as the quintessential missionary hero-saint and that someday I might attain to his lofty status. Perhaps you have a similar perspective about those called to the mission field. As we together listen to the stories of folks who have done missions in various ways, I'd like us to consider how we might change our preconceived notions of these terms and how we all have a unique role to play in God's passionate pursuit of those who have yet to know and experience Him.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning as we worship the One and only worthy of our praise.
Jeff Nitz