Every Good and Perfect Gift

Jan 8, 2023    Ron Miller

Dear Mosaic Family,

As we open 2023, the Mosaic Church leadership team - Jeff, John, Brian, and me - is committed to providing you the resources and guidance necessary to realize the vision for this “ekklesia,” this called-out assembly of believers. The next couple of Sundays will be devoted to sharing information and Scriptural inspiration on church governance.

You may recall that we held a town hall meeting in late October of last year to discuss the outcome of a church leadership retreat where we engaged in prayer, meditation, and deliberation to answer two questions:


1. Must there be a Mosaic Church in Lynchburg, Virginia?

2. If so, how must it be led?


We concluded that this body of believers would dedicate itself to a shared leadership model vs. the unitary model prevalent in most churches, executed under the power and authority of our One Leader, Jesus Christ. We explained why that model fits within the parameters of a Bible-believing church and is the right decision for our congregation but not obligatory for or superior to others. We also discussed the way forward to make that model an effective one.

This Sunday, I will provide a brief overview of our decision and begin the conversation on the way forward by discussing spiritual gifts and the importance of discerning and using them to benefit our church and other believers. Next week, we will host a town hall meeting in-service on Biblical stewardship and the church budget. We hope you'll be available for these critical messages or watch them afterward if you cannot.

Let’s make 2023 a breakthrough year for Mosaic Church!


Ron Miller