Biblical Stewardship, Oh My...

Jan 15, 2023    Jeff Nitz

Dear Mosaic Family,

On the heels of Ron's sermon last week, we will be segueing, appropriately enough, into a discussion about biblical stewardship.... What does it mean to effectively steward the resources that God has given us?

Lest you think stewardship is strictly about your money and tithing, that's really only a part of what acting as a wise steward is all about. Instead, stewarding resources is using our time, talents (think spiritual gifts), and our treasure (all of our belongings) for God's glory and advancing His kingdom. And doing this well involves having the right perspective and motivation about stewardship, often the missing pieces of teaching on this topic. When those elements are sorted out biblically, that makes all of the difference... and that's mostly the focus of my teaching this Sunday. 

And in case some of you may have experienced church trauma from sermons on stewardship, while I will be talking about giving of our time, talent and treasure, you won't once hear the word "should" from me, nor will there be any attempt to guilt anyone into something. I don't believe for one minute that forcing or guilting people into doing something is God's way.

Let's agree, however, that we'll let God's Word and the Holy Spirit show us collectively and individually what he wants from us in terms of generously giving away what is not ours to begin with. I look forward to sharing some brief thoughts on the topic before we head into a townhall meeting to provide a few Mosaic updates. 

Hoping to see you all Sunday.


Jeff Nitz